Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day Three of Kinda Quitting

This is day three of being on Chantrix. It has been really uneventful. No weird dreams. No feelings of hurting someone. No hallucinations and no urge to quit smoking. This quitting smoking thing is a breeze, I can say I am quitting and still smoke. Maybe my brain is such a cluster of worthless trivia facts and crazy imagination, it is saying to the Chantrix, "no sir, get out, shoo, away with you".

The fact that I cannot focus is apparent by the fact that I forgot to finish yesterday's post. So this is a combo of day 3 and day 4. I suppose I am making this the cliff notes of are welcome. Today I start taking 2 chantrix pills so I am a little concerned that the anti focusing thing might get out of hand. What happens if I forget I am driving or I get distracted while performing vascular surgery..oh wait I forgot I am not a surgeon...squirrel!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Maybe I shouldn't read what the Pharmacist gives me....

You know the information that comes along with your prescription that usually you just toss into the trash can? Well let me tell you something, that shit is scary to read!!
Let me enlighten you about the drug I started yesterday...Chantix.

CAUTIONS: DO NOT US THIS MEDICINE IF you are allergic to any ingredient in this medicine. How am I suppose to know? Luckily for me I am only allergic to okra plants, shitty drivers and polyester pants. Crossing my fingers they aren't in this medication. THIS MEDICINE MAY CAUSE drowsiness, dizziness, fainting or vision changes. It may also cause trouble concentrating,hallucinations, muscle cramps or seizures. These effects may be worse if you take it with alcohol. Whoa, are they saying not to drink....I could deal with the other things but really, they are taking it a little too far....bring on the seizures and hallucinations but don't take away my vodka. USE CAUTION if you drive or perform other unsafe tasks while you are taking this medicine. Unsafe tasks? Like diffusing a bomb, when standing in a deep puddle, blow drying your hair? Contact the doctor at once if new, worsened, or sudden symptoms such as depressed mood; aggressive, agitated, or abnormal behavior; personality change; thoughts of hurting other people; or any unusual change in mood or behavior occur. Mmmmm so if I feel the need to shank someone in the grocery store, just because, I might need to contact the Doc...that had a Jeff Foxworthy ring to it.....CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY if you experience behavior changes; chest pain; fast, slow. or irregular heartbeat; fainting; hallucinations; memory loss; new or worsening mental or mood problems ( eg. agitation, aggression, anger, anxiety, depression, nervousness, thoughts of hurting other people); red, swollen, blistered or peeling skin; seizures; severe or persistent nausea;suicidal thoughts or actions; trouble sleeping ;vision changes or vivid, strange or unusual dreams. Ironically the only warning on my pack of cigarettes says "Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide."

Smoking is the leading causes of statistics.....

Ok fine, I get it...smoking is bad for you.
We are told that fine bit of information from early on in our school career by teachers that I am pretty sure smoked in the confines of the one place children did not dare tread...the Teachers Lounge. I was also told that by my parents...these pearls of wisdom were dropped by a woman that had 5 cigarettes burning in different rooms at all times and a man, who on road trips, never cracked the window in the car and had a nicotine stain on the windshield.
I am not quite certain why I started, maybe out of rebellion, I dont know but I did take up the habit. It is a little shocking to think how many years I have dedicated to this addiction. It has been with me thru 2 husbands, 6 presidential terms and countless different sizes of jeans. It was there for me when I was sad, happy, bored. Always there with its best friend cocktail and trusty sidekick to coffee. It was a great top off for a fine meal or even a sandwich. As cliche as it sounds, it rocked after really good sex or even mediocre nookie.
Alas my friend I must say goodbye. I will think of you fondly while I am saving money, breathing on my own when I play with grandchildren...psst that better be many years from now and not smelling like an ashtray.
I started with Chantix today. Bring on the crazy ass dreams.